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About Alea Karin

I was born in the Indian Jungle. (In the middle of Maharashtra state) I was left when I was 3 months old and cared for by Norweigan Missionaries until I was 2. Then I was adopted to Sweden. Today I live in Sweden with my Thai husband and our beautiful children.  9238289490?profile=RESIZE_710x


My life has been saved by God so many times. And in this blog I will tell you all about it. My life has been amazing and I found the key to get anything I really wanted. SO that's why you are here so I can share my story with you and so you can apply it into your life.

For me it all started when I saw the movie " The secret". I found out when I applied it and did a few other things that I really could get results. Not pain free at all times but if you do this all you can get results.

I am happy to tell you that I'm available to mentor you on this way and to your success. Sign up as a star student!

Today is a great day to change your life, it's never too late and there is nothing you can't do. Financial freedom, Success, Love or Health- GET IT now. 


All my best to you! / Alea

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About the A K Method

Im sooooo excited that you are here and that I can share with you this wonderful way to chnage your life. First of all - trust the process. By now I think you have seen the movie The secret at least one time. First time i saw it i saw it the next day, that day i took notes and printscreaned it. So many things fell in place. I now understand why Im the only one that see all the snakes in the summer. Its bec Im attracting them. This summer Im trying my best to attract other things =) The law of attracting dont know if the things you think about is good or bad for you, they just know that If you think it you want it. 

In my blog I will post a video I made earlier this summer and then I will tell you if what i said became true. Yes it did. I was so sure that I actaully hid what i wanted in one of my insta postings. Just so I couldnt go back in time and change what I wished for. 

On the picture I will share whats on my wishlist.I did it in the beginning of june 2021 and ad you can see it goes into 2022. The dotted things already happened and im expecting the third thing to be settled within the next month. This is my "life long term" list and 2 things already happend!! I look at it everyday. Thinking and vizulise the results I want a few times everday and made it into a screensaver so its the first thing i see whenever I look at my phone. 

So how to go from " I wish i could to something" to "I know this will happen to me" - The answer is this page.

This page called A K Method. Stands for Alea Karin Method - I will tell you what works for me and how you can applie it into your life. There are sooo many things out there on the internet, so I have gathered the things I think is the most important on this page for you to look at. I didnt relese all content on this page yet I will keep relesing it - so you dont drown in information.

Itś really easy to become like something alot then forget about it. This is a process, a process that have to start in your mind. Whenever I get lost I just turn on "The secret" and Im back on track. How fast can you get results?  It can go fast or slow. It took me a while to trust it. I will tell you more about that later. But when I did - it worked!

The first you should do is to get a new book that you can write in. Beacuse you need to have it all in one place. Take notes and take time to think about what you learned and how you can implement it in to your life. I didnt have a lot of time when i started. Now I have beacuse i wanted MORE time, and got it.

I am truly excited for you. Now the fun begins!

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Star Student.

Hello and welcome!

Im so excited that you want to become a star student?

What is a star student? This is my most advanced program that is for people who wants me to help them manifest their dreamlife. '


How does it work?

I will call you 1 time per week. It can take from 10-60 min depending on your need.

We will set up a goalplan and then get to work in order to manifest them. Using different types of manifestation techniques.


Looking forward to having you on board! / Alea



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Star Member


Now you are a STAR member.

That means you have access to everything on this page and also you can send messages to me on this platform. 


Start your new life by reading about the method that will change your life 

- Get to the A K Method


This is what you can do now.

- Watch part two of the secret

- Access all the videos - click here


Send message or contact the page

- Go the the Alea Karin Gorup 




STAR Student

If you are looking for a mentorship, where I will go though your personal goals and how you can reach them I advice you to become a STAR student.

Apply Click here.

What you get.

1. We set up your goals and how to reach them

2. One video call every week with me  

3. Email access to me

This program is personal and a must if you want to kickstart your success.

Only a few spots left of this price. 

* Limited offer, my time is limited. I will just coach a few people at the time. Then I will close the payment option and you can sign a waiting list, this price is just an offer. Normal price is 1000usd/month*



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Step 6 - The impact of surrounding

Do you know how much your surroundings affect you? 

We all have that negative friend. I had her. During our highschool time she referred to the US like "We are so ugly". Her bad and negative energy was pasted on to me. I was not ugly but she made me feel like her. So a while after graduation I told her I wanted to break our friendship. 

Was it to hard - NO - Was it necessary - YES

Some people you cant turn around , you can give them chances but it's important that you can stay positive. I'm blessed with so many great friends. I tell my son that the best thing he can collect is friends. My friends give me energy and whatever dream I tell them I have they say "go for it". I've had friends that are negative and stubborn - they are not my friends anymore. True friends support you - fake don't.

Some friends are for life, some are just companions for some time. It's a concept I accept.



  1. Think of your situation. Try and find more supportive positive people.
  2. Laugh more
  3. Go to the next step here







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Im so happy and greatful... part part two

... now that everything turned out just the way I wanted. I asked that my job would give me a good deal and that I would be free from them. And guess what....

On the 9th of june i posted this on my instagram you can see for yourself what i wished for and I made this video...



4 days later i had just left my kids ad pree school. I was having the worse panic attac. I was putting on the secret just to calm myself down.

Just then I got the phonecall from my union. I almost shit my pants, i was so nervous. Then they told me that my job made an offer, a really good deal. The week before they told me it couldnt be done. I didnt want to look for another way out. I just kept repeating what I wanted and thinking about the moment when the union would call me with good news. And they did!!!

After the call I was in shock and I cant beilive it to this day.

I am so happy and greatful that I found The secret and that it works!




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My story with the secret

Half a year ago my life started to fall apart.  My job became a bad place. We will leave it to that. I got in a situation where it could end in unemployment , I would rather stand in the unemployment line than keep on working there. I stumbled into the movie The secret and during the course of these 6 month I saw the secret.  I tried it and it worked when I could channel into it.

My husband, who previously had to leave his job due to Corona, got a new job. He een got his licens to drive car. 

My kid got into the school we wanted. Instead of unemployment the company let me go with a deal because they had to cut people. And I’ve had money just come to me from unexpected sources. Amazing!

My wish was and is to be able to work from home with something I’m passionate about so I would have more time for my family. All the while never worry about money and be able to do everything on my list.  I’m just getting started! I work from home - with my method- mentor people via my network so they can get what they desire. And it works. 

In this network and on this blog you can follow all my experiments and test when I really test the law of attraction and the secret. This is just not for me. You will find that you can do the same!!


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About me

My name is Alea Karin.

I was born in the jungle in Maharashra state in India. Then I was adopted to Sweden. Now I live in Sweden with my beautiful thai husband and our amazing children. You can find one of them under @pexandtoys 

I am an enrepreneur at heart. My mind is ALWAYS working. Its a blessing and a struggle, one I need to practice discipline on. It took me while to realise I will never be done. I always move forward and that is ok to do the best you can in the hours that you set up to do it, then relax from it.

I made this blog into a network so I can tell you all about my expereinces and most of all how you can implement them into your life.

I think life is exciting because I will make sure that It will be. Im a planner, I plan everything. The fun part now after I start to use my method is that I can plan for big things, things that is just in my mind so far. Its like walking around daydreaming about stuff you want but you make sure you really see yourself in that state so it will become reality. 

I post daily on my insta @promotegoodlife i think its important to promote daily workout - daily news - daily motivation - daily art. At least thats what I aim for. 

I think motivation is great, but it can only take you so far. Some days you are not motivated, and what happens? It falls apart. Change your motivation to discipline. Then you will stick to it day in and day out no matter what you feel like - but you will get results and the lifestyle you want. 


So thats a bit about me. I am happy to become your mentor and follow you on your way to the things you want in your life.



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