Step 6 - The impact of surrounding

Do you know how much your surroundings affect you? 

We all have that negative friend. I had her. During our highschool time she referred to the US like "We are so ugly". Her bad and negative energy was pasted on to me. I was not ugly but she made me feel like her. So a while after graduation I told her I wanted to break our friendship. 

Was it to hard - NO - Was it necessary - YES

Some people you cant turn around , you can give them chances but it's important that you can stay positive. I'm blessed with so many great friends. I tell my son that the best thing he can collect is friends. My friends give me energy and whatever dream I tell them I have they say "go for it". I've had friends that are negative and stubborn - they are not my friends anymore. True friends support you - fake don't.

Some friends are for life, some are just companions for some time. It's a concept I accept.



  1. Think of your situation. Try and find more supportive positive people.
  2. Laugh more
  3. Go to the next step here







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