About the A K Method

Im sooooo excited that you are here and that I can share with you this wonderful way to chnage your life. First of all - trust the process. By now I think you have seen the movie The secret at least one time. First time i saw it i saw it the next day, that day i took notes and printscreaned it. So many things fell in place. I now understand why Im the only one that see all the snakes in the summer. Its bec Im attracting them. This summer Im trying my best to attract other things =) The law of attracting dont know if the things you think about is good or bad for you, they just know that If you think it you want it. 

In my blog I will post a video I made earlier this summer and then I will tell you if what i said became true. Yes it did. I was so sure that I actaully hid what i wanted in one of my insta postings. Just so I couldnt go back in time and change what I wished for. 

On the picture I will share whats on my wishlist.I did it in the beginning of june 2021 and ad you can see it goes into 2022. The dotted things already happened and im expecting the third thing to be settled within the next month. This is my "life long term" list and 2 things already happend!! I look at it everyday. Thinking and vizulise the results I want a few times everday and made it into a screensaver so its the first thing i see whenever I look at my phone. 

So how to go from " I wish i could to something" to "I know this will happen to me" - The answer is this page.

This page called A K Method. Stands for Alea Karin Method - I will tell you what works for me and how you can applie it into your life. There are sooo many things out there on the internet, so I have gathered the things I think is the most important on this page for you to look at. I didnt relese all content on this page yet I will keep relesing it - so you dont drown in information.

Itś really easy to become like something alot then forget about it. This is a process, a process that have to start in your mind. Whenever I get lost I just turn on "The secret" and Im back on track. How fast can you get results?  It can go fast or slow. It took me a while to trust it. I will tell you more about that later. But when I did - it worked!

The first you should do is to get a new book that you can write in. Beacuse you need to have it all in one place. Take notes and take time to think about what you learned and how you can implement it in to your life. I didnt have a lot of time when i started. Now I have beacuse i wanted MORE time, and got it.

I am truly excited for you. Now the fun begins!

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