My story with the secret

Half a year ago my life started to fall apart.  My job became a bad place. We will leave it to that. I got in a situation where it could end in unemployment , I would rather stand in the unemployment line than keep on working there. I stumbled into the movie The secret and during the course of these 6 month I saw the secret.  I tried it and it worked when I could channel into it.

My husband, who previously had to leave his job due to Corona, got a new job. He een got his licens to drive car. 

My kid got into the school we wanted. Instead of unemployment the company let me go with a deal because they had to cut people. And I’ve had money just come to me from unexpected sources. Amazing!

My wish was and is to be able to work from home with something I’m passionate about so I would have more time for my family. All the while never worry about money and be able to do everything on my list.  I’m just getting started! I work from home - with my method- mentor people via my network so they can get what they desire. And it works. 

In this network and on this blog you can follow all my experiments and test when I really test the law of attraction and the secret. This is just not for me. You will find that you can do the same!!


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