About me

My name is Alea Karin.

I was born in the jungle in Maharashra state in India. Then I was adopted to Sweden. Now I live in Sweden with my beautiful thai husband and our amazing children. You can find one of them under @pexandtoys 

I am an enrepreneur at heart. My mind is ALWAYS working. Its a blessing and a struggle, one I need to practice discipline on. It took me while to realise I will never be done. I always move forward and that is ok to do the best you can in the hours that you set up to do it, then relax from it.

I made this blog into a network so I can tell you all about my expereinces and most of all how you can implement them into your life.

I think life is exciting because I will make sure that It will be. Im a planner, I plan everything. The fun part now after I start to use my method is that I can plan for big things, things that is just in my mind so far. Its like walking around daydreaming about stuff you want but you make sure you really see yourself in that state so it will become reality. 

I post daily on my insta @promotegoodlife i think its important to promote daily workout - daily news - daily motivation - daily art. At least thats what I aim for. 

I think motivation is great, but it can only take you so far. Some days you are not motivated, and what happens? It falls apart. Change your motivation to discipline. Then you will stick to it day in and day out no matter what you feel like - but you will get results and the lifestyle you want. 


So thats a bit about me. I am happy to become your mentor and follow you on your way to the things you want in your life.



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